Monday, 1 October 2012

Answers! I need answers

                                                    Answers! I need answers
As we celebrate our 52nd independence day, I am curled up dreaming on my bed, sulking actually! It’s raining out here, really cold! But bearable at least as I am indoors and thankfully do not intend to go out, so here I ‘am sulking and wondering when I’d ever get answers to these questions that keep reoccurring in my head. I have tried to shake them off all day, to no avail.
So now, yours truly is compelled to write these questions that bother me, on a day am supposed to be proudly dressed in a green dress complete with white stilettos, I am moved by an intensity that burns, a vehemence that I can taste on my lips and a deep regret that makes me pace my room to and fro, wondering if there are like minds tortured by the need for answers like me.
·         Can Nigeria claim to be truly integrated as a nation? Recent security challenges and terrorism has become the order of the day and it is disguised as activism. It has become clear that the high and mighty in society aid this ugly trend with impunity.
·         We were a nation that survived solely on Agriculture ans so I ask, how did we suddenly walk into the farce of depending only on petroleum? Where are the groundnut pyramids, the cocoa plantations and the rubber farmers?
·         Where are the visionaries? Don't they exist in Nigeria? Tenure elongation has become an accepted norm, most administrations turn despotic, in a bid to secure more time to loot public funds, it is disgusting to see religious leaders become their allies despite their open fraudulence.
·         What is the hope for the Nigerian youth dreams, aspiration and vision! Where is our voice in all of this-has it ever mattered?
·         And the Nigerian police? They are a farce!  We all in open agreement believe they ought to be stuck out. Re-branding is a waste of a word on them! The impunity with which they throw caution to the winds while demanding for twenty Naira notes is an eye sore to put it mildly.
Face book didn't do its magic for me today; yours truly has a friend who seems to shares the same need for answers, only he had dared to address us all in his literary best! With his kind permission, I quote;

‘...The Nigerian Government is the best in the world. Who is Obama where Jonathan stands? With all his good luck as well? Our able Politicians have put policies in place to ensure the rights of every Nigerian are upheld. Kidnapping? No kidnapping. With the police we have any oyibo can walk the streets of warri without fear. Bribes have been quashed. Nobody touches it anymore. Yes that is Nigeria for you.Em..., barman abi is it barmen. Give me more of that vodka!’

Well Vodka no be my size, so I have ordered a pint of Guinness! Abi? My people I deserve to smile today o, weather the devil like am or not! As Santosh Kalwar says,
                 “I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow.
                            Simply because life is too short to cry for anything”

Yours in gist

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