Monday, 12 May 2014

Embracing our higher selves

                                        Embracing our higher selves

      ‘’ A happy existence is absolutely impossible for anyone whose thoughts are often negative ...’’

 Nobody ever associates me with weakness; I guess this is because I have spent my life time being strong for others. Wanting to be dependable, trustworthy and sensible at all times, comes at a very high price and in my experience it is wearing a facade as think as a dark cloud even when in truth you just want to break down, pull a tantrum and cry! But then you remember you are ‘’you’’ and should you allow your inner feelings prevail, who would even believe it’s that bad? So you resign to fate, give your emotions a sound kick and suck it in.
Have you ever experienced the woes of the chatter box?
She is that unending voice in your head that creeps up on you when you are most vulnerable, nags you to distraction and spoils your entire day with thoughts you wish you never had.
She steals your smile, takes your confidence away. Worse still, she follows you everywhere you go, driving you nuts with her talks that initiates actions cumbered by fear, doubt and anxiety.
Do you know why I call her the chatter box?
It’s because she chatters non stop.
Don't ask me why I think she is a girl, maybe if you have ever experienced the woes of the chatter box, she might be male to you. In my experience she is a girl and she never seems to shut up, no matter how much I try.
She magnifies my mistakes and sounds some what like this when she starts: ‘’oh why did speak up in the first place, did you think anyone would care about your opinions?
 ‘’you're not good enough, don't you ever forget that!’’
Worse still:”...Awww...shut up, who asked for your opinion?”
Suddenly everybody become the chatter box including you because you reiterate what she says even if you hurt your self in the process! You begin to believe her cause you accept her a way of life.
Listen there is a way out...honestly I’ve got your back on this because I have lived it and as I share this I believe I'm helping my self embrace positivity more. So as Africans say-if I scratch your back, you scratch mine too and we'd both live a better life.

·        Realize she exist:
One reason, you've never learnt to shut her up is because you might not realize she exist, let alone speak. Be more sensitive to your inner thoughts that way, you'd be ready when she creeps up on you.

·        Keep your mind occupied:
It is true that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Only this time the devil has turned your mind on self destruct mode. Fill your time with interesting activities and thoughts that make you happy. Pick up a new hobby, write, read a novel, watch a film and if you're like me discover Jesus Christ! Fill your heart with prayer, praise and worship.

· your words:
Your words are a reflection of your inner thoughts and believe it or not when you speak that word that negates positivity, you actually breathe life into a chain of negativity which hangs like a cloud around you.
Ordinarily life on its own is tough but when you speak negatively terrible situations just seem worse. Instead learn to take charge of your mind-set.
Admit, “it might not be a satisfactory but I ‘am making progress’’.
Admit,”It’s been a rough day but tomorrow will be much better”
Admit, “I might feel sick but it’s a brand new beautiful day and I ‘am going to enjoy it.’’
Listen Brother, refuse what your eyes see, speak positivity, relax and let go.

·        Never give up:
     Now I wish the fruits of this journey were instantaneous but nothing in life is, except it comes in a plastic sealed pack, ready for delivery.
This should discourage you though because being self-judgmental and lacking in endurance can only mean one thing,” you are not watching the words you tell your inner self. The chatterbox is still in control but there is good news.
Nobody gets it the first time! We all walk, fall, rise, dust ourselves and start again. We never would have walked at all, if our parent barred us from trying just because we fell and hurt ourselves while learning to walk.
So there it’s the same process.

·        Watch the company you keep:
Friends who speak negatively wouldn’t do you any good! Our minds are more fragile than we care to admit but it is my submission that nature usually takes its course in such situations because in most cases, negative company often seem to gradually drift away from individuals who possess a positive outlook to life but it will do well to take conscious note of those pessimist lurking around you.
Always bear in mind,
                           “...what you believe will be done for you...”

                                                                               Matthew 8:13

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